Wireless Communication (EC-7005)

Wireless Communication (EC-7005) RGPV notes CBGS


UNIT 1:Introduction
Applications and requirements of wireless services: history, types of services, requirements for the services, economic and social aspects.
Technical challenges in wireless communications: multipath propagation, spectrum limitations, limited energy, user mobility, noise and interference-limited systems.
Propagation mechanism: free space loss, reflection and transmission, diffraction, scattering by rough surfaces, wave guiding.

UNIT 2: Wireless Propagation channels
Statistical description of the wireless channel: time invariant and variant two path models, small-scale fading with and without a dominant component, Doppler spectra, temporal dependence of fading, large scale fading.
Wideband and directional channel characteristics: causes of delay dispersion, system theoretic description of wireless channels, WSSUS model, condensed parameters, ultra wideband channels, directional description.

UNIT 3: Channel models: Narrowband, wideband and directional models, deterministic channel-modeling methods.
Channel sounding: Introduction, time domain measurements, frequency domain analysis, modified measurement methods, directionally resolved measurements.
Antennas: Introduction, antennas for mobile stations, antennas for base stations.

UNIT 4: Transceivers and signal processing: Structure of a wireless communication link: transceiver block structure, simplified models. Modulation formats, demodulator structure, error probability in AWGN channels, error probability in flat-fading channels, error probability in delay and frequency-dispersive fading channels.

UNIT 5: Diversity: Introduction, microdiversity, macrodiversity and simulcast, combination of signals, error probability in fading channels with diversity reception, transmit diversity.
Equalizers: Introduction, linear equalizers, decision feedback equalizers, maximum likelihood sequence estimation (Viterbi detector), comparison of equalizer structures, fractional spaced equalizers, blind equalizers.



1. Molisch: Wireless Communications, Wiley India.
2. Taub and Schilling: Principles of Communication Systems, TMH.
3. Haykin: Mordern Wireless Communication, Pearson Education.
4. Upena Dalal: Wireless Communication, Oxford University Press.
5. Rappaport: Wireless Communication, Pearson Education.
6. Price: Wireless Communication and Networks, TMH.
7. Palanivelu and Nakkereeran : Wireless and Mobile Communication, PHI Learning.
8. Chidambara Nathan: Wireless Communication, PHI Learning.

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