Operating Systems (EC-7005)

Operating Systems (EC-7005) RGPV notes CBGS


UNIT 1: Introduction to System Programs & Operating Systems, Evolution of Operating System (mainframe, desktop, multiprocessor, Distributed, Network Operating System, Clustered & Handheld System), Operating system services, Operating system structure, System Call & System Boots, Operating system design & Implementations, System protection, Buffering & Spooling. Types of Operating System: Bare machine, Batch Processing, Real Time, Multitasking & Multiprogramming, time-sharing system.

UNIT 2: File: concepts, access methods, free space managements, allocation methods, directory systems, protection, organization ,sharing & implementation issues, Disk & Drum Scheduling, I/0 devices organization, I/0 devices organization, I/0 buffering, I/O Hardware, Kernel I/O subsystem, Transforming I/O request to hardware operations. Device Driver: Path managements, Sub module, Procedure, Scheduler, Handler, Interrupt Service Routine. File system in Linux & Windows

UNIT 3: Process: Concept, Process Control Blocks (PCB), Scheduling criteria Preemptive & non Preemptive process scheduling, Scheduling algorithms, algorithm evaluation, multiple processor scheduling, real time scheduling, operations on processes, threads; inter process communication, precedence graphs, critical section problem, semaphores, and classical problems of synchronization. Deadlock: Characterization, Methods for deadlock handling, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, deadlock detection, recovery from deadlock, Process Management in Linux.

UNIT 4: Memory Hierarchy, Concepts of memory management, MFT & MVT, logical and physical address space, swapping, contiguous and non-contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation, and paging combined with segmentation. Structure & implementation of Page table. Concepts of virtual memory, Cache Memory Organization, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation of frames, thrashing, demand segmentation.

UNIT 5: Distributed operating system:-Types, Design issues, File system, Remote file access, RPC, RMI, Distributed Shared Memory(DSM), Basic Concept of Parallel Processing & Concurrent Programming Security & threats protection: Security violation through Parameter, Computer Worms & Virus, Security Design Principle, Authentications, Protection Mechanisms. Introduction to Sensor network and parallel operating system. Case study of UNIX, Linux & Windows,



1. Silberschatz ,”Operating system”, Willey Pub.
2. Stuart,”Operating System Principles, Design & Applications”, Cengage Learning
3. Tannanbaum, “Modern operating system”,PHI Learning
4. Dhamdhere, ”Operating System”,TMH.
5. Achyut S Godbole,”Operating System”, TMH.
6. William stalling, “operating system” Pearson Edu.
7. Deitel & Deitel, “Operating Systems”, Pearson Edu.
8. Flynn & Mchoes, “Operating Systems”, Cengage Learning
9. Haldar, “Operating System”, Pearson Edu.

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